
LIDE LEGAL is a law firm in the Asia-Pacific region structured as a Swiss Verein, operating through various professional firms and entities (the Member Firms) located throughout the Asia Pacific. The Member Firms are constituted and regulated in accordance with local regulatory and legal requirements. The use of the name LIDE LEGAL is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply a partnership or involvement in a LLP or LLC. The responsibility for providing services to clients is defined in the terms of engagement between the relevant Member Firm and the client.

In professional services organizations, references to “partner” or “principal” or “director” indicate a person who is a partner, principal, director, or equivalent in a Member Firm. References to an “office” indicate an office of any such Member Firm.

The LIDE LEGAL websites, including any website operated for or on behalf of LIDE LEGAL or any Member Firm, are intended for informational purposes only. Nothing on the LIDE LEGAL websites should be construed as creating an attorney-client relationship or any contractual relationship or as providing legal or professional advice for any specific matter. Readers are advised to seek advice from their own legal counsel. No client or reader should take action or refrain from taking action based on any content.

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